
Hey Seniors!

Don't Retire

A remarkable career awaits you. We'll help you find it
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Are you retired and looking for a way back into the workforce?

Binzy is a platform through which individuals above the age of 60 can find work. We will connect you with companies that are open to hiring.

-We want to help seniors stay active and engaged in the workforce.
- We also know that companies will benefit from the decades of experience and knowledge that you bring to the table.
-Sign up today and learn more about how we can help you.
- Don’t Retire. Relive


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2022-09-13 09:10:17
How to form new habits and take control of your life
What was alarming was that she didn’t have a steady job and her bank balance was diminishing. She knew she was caught in a disgusting cycle of self destruction, but she didn’t know what to do.
2022-09-13 09:10:17
Im 57, have no savings, and I’m unemployed. Is it too late to turn my life around?
We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people
2022-09-13 09:10:17
How to deal with self doubt?
According to a study done and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, says a persons level of confidence and self-esteem typically follows a bell curve.
2022-09-13 09:10:17
Are you bored?- 3 steps to deal with it.
Boredom is a signal that we’re not meaningfully engaged. It tells us to stop what we’re doing, and do it better – or to do something else.

Time to Unconventional. Time to be #binzy!

Now is the 'Sixty'est time to be alive. This is the Second Adulthood, wish to be Robinhood?